are performers of Sanskrit drama (kudiyattam ) in Kerala. It is their hereditary vocation to enact stories from the Sanskrit epics in Hindu temples. Over the last 50 years, as temple patronage has declined, some Chakyars have revived their traditions by making innovations in repertoire, patronage and venue. Painkulam Narayanan Chakiar is one such innovator---he now teaches chunks of the classic plays to more than thirty teams of high school students, who come together to compete in a statewide arts festival. Here he is enacting the traditional role of jester (vidushaka ) in a related artform of improvised storytelling and commentary (chakyar kuttu ). The audience is made up of high school students at a science camp outside Calicut. (Actually, he's pointing at a videographer just over my shoulder, and making a joke about the ubiquity of cameras in modern life...)